Fifteen years ago Interpark Amusements changed with the acquisition of the famous Pinfari Company, which had been the first Company in the world to manufacture roller coaster entirely built with steel.
With the addition of new coaster models, the two Companies can now offer a range of 40 different roller coaster models.
15 years ago we conjoined Pinfari Company, which had been the first in the world to manufacture roller coaster entirely built with steel. The two Companies now offer a range of more than 40 models.
WE control the quality and safety of design and installation processes of all our coasters. Our testing engineers are continuously educated to be up-to-date with regard to the latest safety regulations.
Since 1976 our Company has built more than 200 Roller Coasters which are exported worldwide with an ever increasing development. We have shipped to more than 50 countries across the five continents.
The most peculiar features of this model are the triangular ultracompact shape and the minimum space occupied on the ground (25 meters x 25 meters only, 10 meters height at rails level, with 200 meters track).
The triangular shape gives the opportunity to occupy a space just in a corner of the park; this space isn’t usually taken, because the majority of rides is of circular shape and the corners remain unutilized.
This “Family coaster” model is the world’s bestselling (more than 120 items since 1986 up to today); it’s a portable item, disposing of a self-contained base.
It’s of a traditional gravitational kind and, among its peculiarities, this ride receives children with the whole family and has a quite long track for its category (350 meters in one minute and 20 seconds for one round).
But that’s the whole aim of civilization: to make everything a source of enjoyment.